Alavi–Mandell Award – Lucia Baratto, M.D.
for her article:Baratto L, Hawk K, States S, Qi J, Gatidis S, Kiru L, Daldrup-Link H. PET/MR improves management of children with cancer. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2021; 62(10): 1334-1340
1st place basic science research prize
– Camaray Rouse,
for the presentation of his Stanford summer student project: “Evaluation of Cold Atmospheric Plasma as an alternative disfinfecant to reduce incidence of CRBSI” at the Student research day at Meharry College
RSNA Research Trainee Prize – Ali Rashidi, M.D.
for his presentation: Rashidi A, Baratto L, Theruvath AJ, Greene EB, Jayapal P, Hawk KE, Lu R, Seekins J, Spunt SL, Pribnow A, Daldrup-Link H. Detection of bone marrow metastases in pediatric patients using ferumoxytol-enhanced whole-body MRI
Nomination for the 2021/22 Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Teaching Award for Outstanding and Innovative Contributions to Medical Education - Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D.
ISMRM Research Exchange Grant
- Sarah Belderbos, Ph.D.
for her research project: PET/MRI to Elucidate the Role of Macrophages in Immunotherapy.
Radiology Teaches Health Equity Grant
– Marta Flory, M.D.
from the American College of Radiology (ACR) for her proposal: Color blind or color brave? Systemic racism in healthcare.
SNMMI Highlight presentation and candidate image of the year
– Lucia Baratto, M.D.
for her project: Baratto L, Lopez Garcia D, Rashidi A, Iv M, Hawk KE, Daldrup-Link H: Imaging Chemotherapy-Induced Brain Damage in Pediatric Cancer Survivors. Nomination for image of the year. Annual Meeting of the Society for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) 2021
ASNR Summa Cum Laude Award
– Christian Pedersen, M.D. and Mariam Aboian, M.D.
for their educational exhibit at the annual meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology: Pedersen C, Messina S, Daldrup-Link H, Franceschi A, Aboiam M: PET/MRI in Pediatric Neuroimaging: Primer for Clinical Practice
WMIC Travel Stipend
– Wei Wu, Ph.D.
for her presentation at the annual meeting of the World Molecular Imaging Society: Wu W, Chang W, Jin L, Liu S, Huang J, Stoyanova T, Mitchell D, Daldrup-Link HE: Multimodal in vivo tracking of CAR T-cells in preclinical glioblastoma models
Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle - Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D.
Elected Fellow, World Molecular Imaging Society (WMIS) - Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D.
Second Place, Poster Prize
– Jordi Garcia-Diaz, Visiting Medical Student
For his presentation: Garcia-Diaz, Theruvath A, Yerneni K, Muehe A, Gulaka P, Hawk KE, Daldrup-Link H. “The effect of Deep Convolutional Neural Network on 18F-FDG Dose Reduction for PET/MRI on Standardized Uptake Value of Lymphomas” at the Medical Student Research Day at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)". Jordi was supported for a research rotation to Stanford Radiology through the Short Term Training in Health Professional Schools (T35/NIH/SRTP) of the UAB
Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award, Stanford Biosciences
- Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D.
Distinguished Lecturer, Department of Radiology, Emory University
- Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D.
Cover Article
- July 2019 issue of Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology
Elected Member, International Skeletal Society
Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D.
Cover Article
- July 2019 issue of Radiology
Harry Fischer Lifetime Achievement Award for Contrast Media Research
- Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D., Harry Fischer Lifetime Achievement Award for Contrast Media Research, awarded at the Contrast Media Research Conference (CMR), World Molecular Imaging Society (WMIS)
RSNA Research Trainee Prize
– Florian Siedek, M.D.
for his presentation: Siedek F, Muehe A, Theruvath A, Avedian R, Spunt S, Hawk C, Liang T, Farrel C, Daldrup-Link H. Comparison of ferumoxytol and Gd chelate-enhanced MRI for assessment of sarcomas in children and young adults
Cover Article
- October 2019 issue of Molecular Oncology
WMIC Travel Stipend – Hossein Nejadnik, M.D, Ph.D. (Research Associate)
for his presentation: Nejadnik H, Pandit P, Lenkov O, Pourmehdi Lahiji A, Yerneni K, Daldrup-Link H: Ferumoxytol Labeled Stem Cells Can Be Detected with Quantitative Magnetic Particle Imaging.
Women in Molecular Imaging Scholar Award – Suchismita Mohanty, Ph.D.
for her presentation: Mohanty S, Yerneni K, Theruvath J, Graef C, Nejadnik H, Lenkov O, Pisani L, Mitra S, Sweet Cordero A, Cheshier S, Daldrup-Link H. An Imaging Biomarker For Anti-CD47 Immunotherapy In Osteosarcoma.
RSNA Trainee Travel Award – Anne Muehe, M.D.
for her presentation SSE21-05: Muehe A, Theruvath A, Yerneni K, Gulaka P, Thakor A, Pribnow A, Daldrup-Link H. Ferumoxytol does not impact SUV values on PET/MR scans
Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biomedical Engineering (AIMBE;
top 2% of the medical and biological engineering community in the United States) - Heike Daldrup-Link, M.D.
Cover Article - September 2018 issue of Clinical Cancer Research
WMIC Travel Stipend - Hossein Nejadnik, M.D, Ph.D.
Nejadnik H, Theruvath H, Lenkov O, Li K, Kuntz L, Wolterman C, Daldrup-Link H: MRI of Nano-particle labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cell Implants in a Large Animal Model: A Predictive Biomarker
RSNA Bronze Visionary Donor Award (T. Link and H. Daldrup-Link)
RSNA Research & Education Foundation
ACR-AUR Research Scholar - Preeti Sugerkar, M.D.
- stipend for participating in the Research Scholar Program of
the American College of Radiology (ACR) at the Annual Meeting
of American University Radiologists (AUR) in San Diego on
March 29, 2016
Feldman Family Foundation Visiting Professors Program,
Stanford School of Medicine - Anat Ilivitzki, M.D.
- stipend for participating in Pediatric Oncology Imaging
Research in the Daldrup-Link lab
World Molecular Imaging Conference (WMIC) Travel Stipend
- Kai Li, Ph.D.
for his presentation: Li K, Nejadnik H, Daldrup-Link HE:
Ferumoxytol-based Dual-modality Imaging Probe for Detection
of Apoptotic Stem Cells. World Molecular Imaging Congress
(WMIC), New York, September 2016.
Travel Award from the Beijing Institute of Technology
(BIT) - Kai Li
, for attending the BIT Special Forum for Oversea Young
Researchers in Beijing, China
'Ken Fellows Lecture',
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), PA - Heike E. Daldrup-Link
RSNA Research Trainee Prize
- Maryam Aghighi, M.D.: "Non-Invasive MR Imaging Diagnosis of
Pediatric Kidney Transplant Rejection"
RSNA Travel Award
- Hossein Nejadnik, M.D., Ph.D.: "Protein Corona: A Simple
Solution that Enables Clinical Translation of Stem Cell
Moskowitz Award - Preeti Sugerkar for her research
project on "Imaging Osteonecrosis in Children with
ISMRM Travel Award - Seyedmeghdad Taghavigarmestani
for his project: Taghavigarmestani S, Nejadnik H, Yang P,
Mahmoudi M, Daldrup-Link HE: "Transfection Agent-free Stem
Cell Labeling for Clinical MRI"
ISMRM Travel Award - Saeid Zanganeh
for his project: Zanganeh S, Lenkov O, Moseley M,
Daldrup-Link HE: "Does the FDA approved iron oxide
nanoparticle ferumoxytol affect the tumor
RSNA Research Trainee Prize - Anne Muehe
for her project: Muehe A, Feng D, Aghighi M, Lacy C,
Huddleston A, Neuwelt E, Daldrup-Link HE: "Safety of
Ferumoxytol for MR Imaging in Children"
Member, American Society for Clinical Investigation -
H. Daldrup-Link
(ASCI, honor society of physician-scientists)
Research Award of the North American Iranian
Radiological Society - Maryam Aghighi
- for her research project on "Assessment of therapeutic
response in Ewing's sarcoma based on one-, two-, and
three-dimensional tumor size measurements."
Stanford Medical School (MedScholars) Research Stipend - Dan Feng
for her research project, "Safety of Ferumoxytol Usage for MR Imaging in Children and Young Adults".
WMIC Travel Stipend - Hossein Nejadnik
Nejadnik H. Ye D, Lenkov O, Doing J, Rao J, Daldrup-Link HE: Novel MR Imaging Aproach for detection of stem cell apoptosis by using a caspase-activatable Gd-contrast agent. World Molecular Imaging Congress (WIMIC), Seoul 2014. WMIC proceedings 2014
WMIC Travel Stipend - Fanny Chapelin
Chapelin F, Khurana A, Beck G, Zuluaga M, Lenkov O, Daldrup-Link HE: MR Imaging of stem cell rejection with ferumoxytol. World Molecular Imaging Congress (WIMIC), Seoul 2014
Stanford University Translational Medicine (TRAM) Student Grant - Dan Feng
for her research project, "Safety of Ferumoxytol Usage for MR Imaging in Children and Young Adults".
RSNA Research Trainee Prize - Hossein Nejadnik
Nejadnik H, Ye D, Lenkov O, Donig J, Rao J, Daldrup-Link H. Diagnosis of Stem Cell Apoptosis in Arthritic Joints with MRI. Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago
Finalist, 2014 Alexander R. Margulis Award for Scientific Excellence - Aman Khurana
Khurana A, Chapelin F, Beck G, Lenkov O, Donig J, Nejadnik H, Messing S, Derugin S, Chan R, Gaur A, Sennino B, McDonald D, Kempen P, Tikhomirov G, Rao J, Daldrup-Link HE: "Iron Administration before Stem Cell Harvest Enables MR Imaging Tracking after
Research featured on the cover of the nano-journal Small - Celina Ansari et al.
Research featured on the website of The Lancet - Christopher Klenk et al.
Jorge Barrio Lecturer for Advances in Clinical Research - H. Daldrup-Link;
World Molecular Imaging Congress, Seoul, Korea. This named lectureship highlights a presentation as an outstanding achievement in clinical molecular imaging.
RSNA Research Trainee Prize - Aman Khurana - Khurana A, Chapelin F, Beck G, Sennino B, Kempen P,
Daldrup-Link HE: "In Vivo Mesenchymal Stem Cell Labeling Using The FDA Approved Iron Oxide Ferumoxytol" Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, Conference Proceedings 2013
Post Doctoral Fellowship in Translational Medicine - Tarsheen Kaur Sethi - for her project: "Tumor Associated Macrophage Imaging Using Ferumoxytol-Enhanced MRI in Pediatric Sarcomas", by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers
of America (PhRMA) Foundation
"France best young engineer of the year award for science" - Fanny Chapelin - Fanny was selected for this award out of 30,000 engineering students for her thesis project on stem cell imaging in arthritic joints
WMIC Travel Stipend - Christopher Klenk - Klenk C, Gawande R, Qiu D, Quon A, Doing J, Owen D, Chen Y, Moseley M,
Daldrup-Link HE: "Novel Nanoparticle Enhanced Whole Body Tumor Scans for Staging of Children with Cancer". World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC), Savannah 2013. WMIC proceedings 2013
WMIC Travel Stipend - Chris Dove - Dove C, Nejadnik H, Chan C, Gambhir SS, Daldrup-Link H: Creating novel imaging tools to diagnose stem cell rejection in vivo. World Molecular Imaging Congress, Savannah 2013. WMIC proceedings 2013
WMIC Travel Stipend - Fanny Chapelin - Chapelin F, Khurana A, Beck G, Sennino B, Kempen P,
Daldrup-Link HE: "In vivo iron loading of stem cells before their harvest enables MRI tracking after transplantation" World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC), Savannah 2013. WMIC proceedings 2013
WMIC Travel Stipend - Hossein Nejadnik - Nejadnik H, Lenkov O, Fathi A, Paulmurugan R,
Daldrup-Link HE: "Novel Approach for Chondrogenic differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells". World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC), Savannah 2013. WMIC proceedings 2013
Research Stipend - Lebriz Uslu - for "Whole Body MR Imaging" by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Harvey White Memorial Lecture, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine - Heike Daldrup-Link
RSNA Research Trainee Prize - Hossein Nejadnik
- for abstract# SSG10-08: Nejadnik H, Henning TD, Do T, Misselwitz B, Link TM,
Daldrup-Link HE: "GadofluorineM - An Alternative MR Cell Marker to SPIO for Monitoring Matrix-Associated Stem Cell Implants in Cartilage Defects". Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago
RSNA Travel Award for Young Investigators in Molecular Imaging - Qiaoyun Shi
- for abstract ID# SSC09-09: Shi Q, Pisani L, Bhaumik S, Lowery L, Meyer D,
Daldrup-Link HE. "GEH121333: A New Imaging Biomarker for Cancer Immune Responses". Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, 2012
WMIC Travel Stipend - Hossein Nejadnik
- for presentation of the study: Nejadnik H, Ye D, Castillo R, Rao J, Daldrup-Link H. Detection of stem cell apoptosis with a novel "smart" contrast agent for MR imaging. World Molecular Imaging
Congress (WIMIC), Dublin 2012. WMIC proceedings 2012
WMIC Travel Stipend - Aman Khurana
- Khurana A, Moneeb M, Nejadnik H, Erdman J, Bangs D, Daldrup-Link H. Tumor Formation after ADSC implantation in arthritic joints. World Molecular Imaging Congress, Dublin 2012. WMIC proceedings 2012
WMIC Travel Stipend - Celina Ansari
- Ansari C, Tikhomirov GA, Hong SH, Coussens L, Rao J, Daldrup-Link H. Development of Novel Activatable Theranostic Nanoparticles for combined Cancer MR Imaging and Therapy. World Molecular Imaging
Congress (WIMIC), Dublin 2012. WMIC proceedings 2012
Stanford Medical School Research Stipend - Rostislav Castillo
- for his research project, "MRI of hMSC Apoptosis with a Gadolinium Nanoparticle Contrast Agents".
"Berdon Award" - Heike Daldrup-Link
from the Society for Pediatric Radiology for the best basic science paper, published in Pediatric Radiology in 2011: Castaneda RT, Boddington S, Henning TD, Wendland M, Mandrussow L, Liu S, Daldrup-Link
H: Pediatric Radiology 41(11):1384-92 (senior author)
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital R.O.S.E. ("Recognition of Service Excellence") Award - Heike Daldrup-Link
for exceptional commitment to the LPCH mission and going above and beyond expected duties
Distinguished Investigator Award - Heike Daldrup-Link
of the Academy of Radiology Research Acknowledges a level of accomplishment that ranks within the top 10 percent
of all academic radiology faculty
"Berdon Award" - Heike Daldrup-Link
from the Society for Pediatric Radiology for the best basic science paper, published in Pediatric Radiology in 2011: Pediatric Radiology 41(11):1384-92
Research featured on the cover of the September 2011 issue of
Clinical Cancer Research - Heike Daldrup-Link
Author of the 10th and 17th most cited articles in the
Journal of Visualized Experiments - Heike Daldrup-Link, out of 1,100+ articles that were published since the inception of the journal (Articles: "Labeling hESCs and hMSCs with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles" and "Labeling Stem Cells with Fluorescent
Editor's recognition award - Heike Daldrup-Link with special distinction for reviews for the journal
Distinguished Reviewer - Heike Daldrup-Link,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
WMIC Travel Stipend - Aman Khurana
- for presentation of the study: Khurana A, Nejadnik H, Gawande R, Derugin N, Pisani L, Daldrup-Link H. In vitro and in vivo MR imaging of ferumoxytol labeled rat adipose derived stem cells in cartilage
defects. World Molecular Imaging Congress (WIMIC), San Diego 2011. WMIC proceedings 2011
WMIC Travel Stipend - Celina Ansari
- for presentation of the study: Ansari C, Golovko D, Ruffel B, Castaneda R, Coussens L, Daldrup-Link H. Clinically applicable USPIO detect tumor associated macrophages in breast cancer. World Molecular
Imaging Congress (WIMIC), San Diego 2011. WMIC proceedings 2011
Stanford Medical School Research Stipend - Joshua Lee
- for his MedScholars research project, "Improving imaging evaluation of local tumor extent to improve disease monitoring in Ewing sarcoma."
WMIC Travel Stipend - Rosalinda Castaneda
- for presentation: Castaneda R, Boddington SE, Wendland M, Henning TD, Mandrussow L,
Daldrup-Link HE: "Achieving A Preserved Differentiation Capacity and Significant MR Effects of SPIO-Labeled Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes: The Optimal Timing, Dose and Technique." at the World Molecular Imaging Conference,
Kyoto, Japan, Sep 8-11, 2010
Editor's recognition award - Heike Daldrup-Link
with special distinction for reviews for the journal
Chair, Imaging and Radiotherapeutics Subcommittee - Heike Daldrup-Link
, Cancer Chemistry Section of the 2010 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting Program Committee
Certificate of Merit for RSNA poster - Sophie Boddington - for her poster presentation: Boddington S, Henning TD, Sutton S, Jha P, Mandrussow L,
Daldrup-Link HE: Stem Cell Tracking With MR Imaging and Optical Imaging. Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago 2009. RSNA proceedings 2009, p 945, 2009
RSNA Travel Award for Young Investigators in Molecular Imaging - Elizabeth Sutton - Sutton EJ, Tavri S, Henning TD, Chessler L, Drummond D,
Daldrup-Link HE: To develop a liposome co-encapsulated with a NIR dye and doxorubicin and to image its integration in ovarian tumors with optical imaging. RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago 2009. RSNA conference proceedings, p453, 2009
CMR Young Investigators Award - Daniel Golovko - for the paper "Golovko D, DeNardo D, Wendland D, Coussens L, Corot C,
Daldrup-Link HE: Imaging tumor necrosis with the second-generation, folate-specific ultrasmall paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) P1133 with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in a transgenic mouse model for breast cancer, presented at the Contrast
Media Research Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct 11-13, 2009
Award for best oral presentation - Sophie Boddington - Boddington SE, Castaneda R, Liu S, Wendland M, Golovko D, Henning TD,
Daldrup-Link HE: "Molecular Imaging of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes with MR and Optical Imaging", presented at the 6th UCSF Radiology Imaging Research Symposium
WMIC Travel Stipend - Reinhard Meier - for presentation of the study: Meier R, Tavri S, Henning T, Boddington S, Wels W, Rummeny EJ,
Daldrup-Link HE: "In vivo Monitoring of SPIO labeled, EpCAM targeted Natural Killer Cells to Prostate Cancer with MRI." World Molecular Imaging Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sep 23-26, 2009
WMIC Travel Stipend - Alexander Nedopil - for presentation of the study: Nedopil A, Klenk C, Golovko D, Kim C, Liu S, Wendland M, Schuster T,
Daldrup-Link HE: "The influence of apoptosis on MR signal in human mesenchymal stem cells" at the World Molecular Imaging Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sep 23-26, 2009, conference proceedings, p 79
UCSF Department of Radiology Summer Student Stipend - Cy Kim - Stipend for the study: "MR imaging of iron oxides matrix associated stem cell transplants (MASI)"
"Berdon Award" - Jane Wang - Award for the best basic science paper, published in Pediatric Radiology in 2008: Wang J, Boddington S, Wendland M, Meier R, Corot C,
Daldrup-Link HE et al. Pediatric Radiology 38(5):529-37, 2008
"Berdon Award" - Heike Daldrup-Link from the Society for Pediatric Radiology for the best basic science paper, published in Pediatric Radiology in 2008: Pediatric Radiology 38(5):529-37 (senior author)
WMIC Travel Stipend - Tobias Henning - for presentation of the study: Henning T, Boddington S, Jha P, Taubert S, Tavri S, Rummeny EJ, Daldrup-Link H: "Magnetically labeled human embryonic stem cells retain pluripotency" at the World
Molecular Imaging Conference, Nice, France, Sep 10-13, 2008, conference proceedings, p50, #1072
WMIC Travel Stipend - Akhilesh Sista - for presentation of the study: Sista A, Johansson M, Tavri S, DeNardo D, Boddington S, Reinhard V, Ansari C, Coakley F, Coussens LM, Daldrup-Link H: "Optical Imaging of the Peri-Tumoral Inflammatory
Response in an Animal Model of Breast Cancer " at the World Molecular Imaging Conference, Nice, France, Sep 10-13, 2008, conference proceedings, p62, #0617
UCSF Dean's Summer Research Fellowship - Justin Knebel - supporting a stipend for a UCSF medical student for conduction of a summer research project, entitled "Optical Imaging of the peri-tumoral inflammatory response in an animal
model of breast cancer"
ECR Poster Certificate of Merit - Margit Kleis - for presentation: Kleis E,
Daldrup-Link HE, Matthay K, Goldsby R, Rummeny E, Schuster T, Hawkins R, Franc B: Diagnostic value of PET/CT for the staging and restaging of pediatric tumors, presented at the European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Mar 7-11; Eur Radiol
2008, Vol 18, Suppl 1, p 511
CMR Young Investigators Award - Tobias Henning - Henning TD, Sutton EJ, Tavri S, Link TM,
Daldrup-Link HE: "Chondrogenic Differentiation of Ferucarbotran labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells and MR Imaging after Implantation into Cartilage Defects", Contrast Media Research Conference, Banff, Canada, Oct 16-20, 2007
RSNA Travel Award for Young Investigators in Molecular Imaging - Tobias Henning - for the paper: Henning, TD, Sutton EJ, Golovko D, Tavri S, Link TM,
Daldrup-Link HE: "MR Imaging Features of Contrast Agent Labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells Implanted in Cartilage Defects."
NIH Summer Internship Stipend - Julia Arzeno - Program sponsored by the NIDDK (via an R25 grant) that provides support for high school students to participate in summer research (The R25 UCSF program is led by Bonnie Halpern-Felsher).
Stipend from the Society for Molecular Imaging - Reinhard Meier - for attending the Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Imaging in Rhode Island, Sep 8-11, 2007
Stipend from the Society for Physiology and Medicine - Tobias Henning - Stipend to attend the Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, a meeting between 18 Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine and selected elite students, Jul 1-6, 2007
Stipend from the German Scholars Association - Reinhard Meier - Stipend to attend a conference from the German Government in Berlin with the purpose to lead promising young German scientists in the US back to Germany
UCSF Department of Radiology Stipend - Sophie Boddington - Stipend for the study: MR imaging of ovarian cancer with folate-receptor targeted contrast agents
Certificate of appreciation - Heike Daldrup-Link for outstanding contributions to the Journal "European Radiology" as Editorial Board Member
Caffey Award - Heike Daldrup-Link - Award from the Society of Pediatric Radiology for the study "MR imaging of adenocarcinomas with folate-receptor targeted contrast agents".
"Summa cum laude" Poster Prize" - Reinhard Meier - Meier R, Piontek G, Piert M, Uherek C, Wels W, Rudelius M, Schlegel J, Rummeny EJ,
Daldrup-Link HE: "Monitoring tumor accumulation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes with MRI and autoradiography", presented at the annual meeting of the Roentgen Society in Berlin; Fortschr. Roentgenstr 178: S342, 2006
Stipend from the German Research Foundation - Tobias Henning - Research Fellow salary support for continuing investigations of "Visualization of Stem Cell Differentiation and Gene Expression using a Galactosidase- sensitive contrast
agent for MR Imaging"
AAWR (American Association of Woman Radiologists) Award - Jane Wang - Award for research on new folate-receptor specific contrast agents for cancer imaging
DAAD Stipend - Christian Krug - Stipend from the German Academics Exchange Program (DAAD) for the study: Molecular Imaging of immune mediated arthritis with optical and x-ray image registration and fusion
ISMRM Student Award - Tobias Henning - Presentation: Henning TD, Bauer JS, Frenzel T, Sutton EJ, Fu Y,
Daldrup-Link HE, Long term MR signal characteristics of Ferucarbotran-labeled mesenchymal stem cells, ISMRM 2006, Seattle, USA
Radiology Research Alliance Young Investigator Award - Heike Daldrup-Link - Award from the Association of University Radiologists, which recognizes a promising new investigator.
Stipend from the German Research Foundation (DFG) - Tobias Henning - Research Fellow salary support for the study "Visualization of Stem Cell Differentiation and Gene Expression using a Galactosidase- sensitive contrast agent for MR
UCSF Innovations in Science Award - Heike Daldrup-Link - Award for research studies on new folate receptor targeted contrast agents
Roentgen Award - Heike Daldrup-Link - Award from the Roentgen Society for P.D. thesis: "New techniques for MRI of the Bone Marrow". The award is presented annually by the Roentgen Society in memory of W.C. Roentgen in recognition of
an exceptional innovative area of Radiology research.
RSNA Young Investigator Award - Gerhard H Simon - Simon GH, Vopelius-Feldt JF, Fu Y, Berejnoi K, Wendland MF,
Daldrup-Link HE: Detection and characterization of antigen-induced arthritis with USPIO-enhanced MRI. Radiology Suppl. 1, S 305, 2004
RSNA International Young Academics Seminar - Heike Daldrup-Link - Stipend from the Radiological Society of North America for attendance of a 5-day seminar at the RSNA annual meeting in Chicago. Each year, one candidate from selected
non-US countries is sponsored to attend this seminar, which introduces promising foreign radiologists to academic career opportunities.
Coolidge Award - Heike Daldrup-Link - Award from GE Medical Systems and the German Roentgen Society for: "MRI quantification of tumor capillary permeability before and after VEGF-antibody therapy".
Caffey Award - Heike Daldrup-Link - Award of the Society for Pediatric Radiology for the study "Correlations of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging with Histologic Tumor Grade", published as the Caffey Award Paper in AJR 171 (4):
941-949 und Pediatr Radiol 28: 67-78. (as noted on the manuscripts, this "joint-publication" in both journals of the North American Roentgen Society is an honor and not a double publication)